Sunday, November 18, 2012

Let It Snow

We here at the Raine Drop love winter. Love it. Since we (finally) got snow, we've practically been living outside. Yes, we love summer - swimming, camping, cycling, lazy days in the sun, and all that jazz. But there is something about winter that really calls to us.

Gumdrop obviously has been paying attention to how we roll over the last week. I'm sure, being from the North Pole and all, he's tickled pink to have ended up with a family that loves the snow.  Tonight he got busy and made himself a snowman!!

That Gumdrop and his perfect timing - how did he know I happen to have a "snowman kit" all ready for the warm, sticky-snowman-snow weather this week???

1 comment:

Amanda said...

When we do Elf on a Shelf, I'm just coming back to your blog and copying every single idea. Well done!