Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's Been A Long Week

Talia goes to a wonderful home daycare. The daycare provider gives them lots of love and attention, amazing and healthy home-cooked meals, takes them outside twice a day, and keeps them happy & busy all day long. Talia loves going to Jojo's house, and usually tries to hide when I get there to pick her up at the end of the day so that she can stay longer. So I'm not sure who was more disappointed this week when Jojo ended up in the hospital, thus necessitating some quality weekday time for Talia with one or another of her parents. I suspect, however, that it may be Talia, judging by the way she yelled and pointed at Mama while talking on the phone to Grammie today. (Back atcha, kiddo. You're lucky the recycling was already picked up this week, or you would have been out in the blue box this afternoon.)

Poor bunny, I can't really blame her for being less than thrilled with our week so far. Usually on my days off during the week, we're fairly busy in the mornings before coming home so Tally can nap away the afternoon. We take in a Moms & Ones preschool program, we get groceries, we usually have an appointment somewhere with a waiting room full of new toys to explore, we hang out at the park, we have a playdate with friends, etc. This week we missed preschool for a marathon eye appointment in a room freshly emptied of all toys (damn you, H1N1!!,) we had a long grocery/Christmas shopping outing that was pretty boring, Mama has been trying to work from home as much as possible (Talia used up all my sick time while she was still on the inside,) and it's been too cold to play outside very much. Plus, 2-tooth Tally has been having a rough teething week - 3 new toofers have finally poked through - so my usually sunny, easy-going little girl:
has been replaced with a whining, grumpy, bored toddler with a sore mouth.

But things are looking up, friends. I have officially given up trying to get any more work done this week and am embracing my time home with Ms. Crankypants! It looks like we might have a break from teething for a little while! Tomorrow morning Sarah D. and her little darlings Lucy and Charlie are hosting us for a playdate, along with Auntie Erin & Edie! Only one more day until Daddy is home for TWO WHOLE DAYS!! On Saturday Mama is going out to see friends Lisa & Kristin in what is certain to be the best production of RENT ever!! And by the end of the weekend, I hope to be completely done Christmas shopping and baking, with only a mountain of perogies left to be conquered. I think I can, I think I can.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Your mom was an incredimom even before you were born. Believe it! Support her in every way possible. We love you,
Nicholas and Shannon Pink