Friday, October 15, 2010

You Just Never Know

When I was pregnant with Talia, I used to daydream about what it would be like to be a mother. I was positive my baby would be a little girl, and I would think about all the mother-daughter moments we would share.

I did not think that someday that baby would be 2 years old, and the thing I would most often say to her would be "Stop taking your panties off and putting them on your brother's head!"

That's the kind of week it's been around this place. Hello, Friday. We're glad you're here.


Jennifer said...

bwhahahaha! That's totally awesome! That's up there with the time I told one of my nieces to get her foot out of her vagina.

Jennifer said...

Although after I posted my comment, the thought occurred to me - did she learn this trick from you? Monkey see, monkey do?

Jennifer said...

And he's got such a resigned look on his face....

Jennifer said...

I'm done commenting now.